A Golden 60th Birthday Party Menu and Some formula Ideas

A Golden 60th Birthday Party Menu and Some formula Ideas

A great way to celebrate entrance into the golden years is to throw a 60th birthday luncheon. By the age of 60 many are free of work and house commitments and find themselves spending lots of good times with friends. A luncheon, especially served in a organery setting, is a overwhelming way to enjoy those friends and a potential meal.

Entrees with a salad base are the best menu idea. These tend to be an all-in-one meal and tiny else other than birthday cake needs to be prepared. Some possibilities include chicken salad served on a bed of romaine with grape tomatoes and cucumber slices or tuna fish salad served in a hollowed out tomato. Other possibilities include club sandwich platters with Waldorf salad or a fruit gelatin mold.

Tuna Salad Recipe

Tuna, ham or chicken salads are all prepared from the same basic ingredients. elect a precooked form from these three (or possibly make some of each). Add an equal amount of boiled, then cubed eggs. Dice a aggregate of adequate onions and pickles to equal half the amount of the meat used. Blend all ingredients with mayonnaise, salt and pepper.

There are many variations in Waldorf salad recipes. Here's just one of them. elect and clean about a cup each of grapes and apples. Cube the apples discarding core and seeds. Cut grapes in half discarding seeds and stems. Use packaged English walnut pieces. Combine these with adequate mayonnaise to coat all ingredients--half a cup or more. Serve in fruit bowls on a particular leaf of romaine.

Fruit punch would be nice. Also, of course, brewed coffee and a good option of tea varieties will probably be as appreciated as anyone else.

Theme the paper party supplies to a popular hobby like cards or just to say, ""Happy 60th birthday!" Have a good time.

A Golden 60th Birthday Party Menu and Some formula Ideas


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